On the Radio: ABC Canberra’s The Book Show
Sarah spoke with Ginger Gorman on ABC Canberra’s The Book Show. [mp3player width=300 height=30 config=fmp_jw_widget_config.xml file=https://www.footpathlibrary.org/wp-content/uploads/mp3/0908_66radio.mp3]
Sarah spoke with Ginger Gorman on ABC Canberra’s The Book Show. [mp3player width=300 height=30 config=fmp_jw_widget_config.xml file=https://www.footpathlibrary.org/wp-content/uploads/mp3/0908_66radio.mp3]
Sarah spoke about The Footpath Library on Oddjobber on ABC Radio NSW Afternoons. Click below to hear the interview. [mp3player width=300 height=30 config=fmp_jw_widget_config.xml file=/wp-content/uploads/mp3/0908_ABCRadio.mp3]
Sarah spoke on ABC Radio NSW Afternoons. Click below to hear the interview. [mp3player width=300 height=30 config=fmp_jw_widget_config.xml file=/wp-content/uploads/mp3/1001_ABCRadio.mp3]
Listen to Sarah discussing The Footpath Library with ABC Radio’s Hilary Harper here.
Spectrum featured The Footpath Library in this 2007 article in their Philanthropy section.
Sarah spoke to The Satellite Newspaper in 2010 about The Footpath Library’s beginnings and work in this article entitled Novel approach for support.
Sarah Garnett spoke to The Courier Mail columnist Kathleen Noonan, who wrote this stellar piece about The Footpath Library and homelessness.
The Readers Digest featured Sarah Garnett and The Footpath Library in a two-page article in their Making a difference section.
Sarah Garnett and The Footpath Library went international in 2008 when she was featured in a Japan magazine.
Barry Divola chatted to Sarah Garnett about how The Footpath Library began in this 2007 Streetlife article.
The Sydney Morning Herald featured Sarah Garnett and The Footpath Library in this article, The good read, in 2007.