National Children’s Book Week: August 20-26

Each year, across Australia, The Children’s Book Council of Australia brings children and books together for Children’s Book Week. During this time schools, libraries, booksellers, authors, illustrators and children celebrate Australian children’s literature. This year’s theme is Australia! Story Country, so keep a look out and get involved in a book parade or activity near…

National Homeless Week: August 1-7

This month hosts National Homeless Week with the theme  #HomelessnessCounts – highlighting that the lives of people experiencing homelessness are important. It also relates to the upcoming ABS Census and the importance of people experiencing homelessness being included and identified correctly in the Census count. This data is important as it outlines the severity of…

TFL Connects with Clayton Utz

The annual Sydney Homeless Connect event took place for the seventh consecutive year at Sydney Town Hall last month. The 100%-volunteer-run not-for-profit connected hundreds of volunteers and service providers with people across New South Wales who are experiencing homelessness. Thanks to the help of Clayton Utz and some of our regular volunteers, TFL was able…

Epic! Comp Scores Epic Prizes

Entries for our Epic! short story competition are now open and we are excited to announce even more reasons to enter, with generous prizes courtesy of For Pity Sake Publishing. First prize for winners in Primary and Secondary categories: Samsung Galaxy Tablet, 16-gig wifi with a 32-gig Verbatim SDHC card Second prize for winners in Primary and…