National Year of Reading

Our founder, Sarah Garnett, and our chairperson, Jaqui Lane, headed down to Canberra today to help launch the National Year of Reading, an initiative that’s designed to help people discover (and rediscover) the magic of books and reading. We’re participating in the initiative and will have updates here throughout the year.

Australia Day Ambassador

Our founder, Sarah Garnett, headed up to Merriwa, in the Upper Hunter Valley region as an Australia Day ambassador. Here are a couple of pics of how she spent the day, which included talking about how The Footpath Library started and what kind of work we do.              

Charlie Teo’s Australia Day Address

Sarah Garnett was privileged to hear Dr Charlie Teo’s Australia Day address last night at the Sydney Music Conservatorium. His speech on racism, immigration, the tall poppy syndrome, and scientific research, as well as all the things that make Australia a great place to live, was truly inspirational.

Sarah Garnett honoured by Positively Remarkable Women

The Footpath Library’s founder Sarah Garnett was humbled and honoured to be featured by the Positively Remarkable Women project, which draws attention to women who, as the website states, ‘have/had a positive impact on their community…who fight for the underdog or for those unable to speak for  themselves…who broaden our horizons through ideas and innovation—women who…