Homeless people aren’t literary? Think again .
“Michael started to visit the library regularly and we would have deep conversations about art and books.”
“Michael started to visit the library regularly and we would have deep conversations about art and books.”
The Footpath Library is delighted to announce the launch of its eLibrary program which will extend the organisation’s offering beyond physical books to an extensive catalogue of ebooks and audiobooks. The eLibrary will be delivered in collaboration with Wheelers Books, whose ePlatform already delivers thousands of titles to schools and public libraries across 21 countries.…
Since we have paused all mobile library programs in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth we are now installing little libraries so that our friends on the street can still get food for the mind and soul. The Footpath Library is taking books to the streets via little libraries that will ensure our street friends are able…
Our Book Week Breakfast held for the children of the Redfern area in Sydney. Here’s a look at what happened on the day!
The Footpath Library is featured on Random Acts Of Kindness on Channel 7.
Sarah Garnett was featured in Sydney Magazine’s Top 100 in 2009 for The Footpath Library.
Sarah spoke with Michael Peschardt on ABC Radio in 2010 when he was filling in for Richard Fidler. Click here to listen to the hour-long interview.
Sarah spoke with Ginger Gorman on ABC Canberra’s The Book Show. [mp3player width=300 height=30 config=fmp_jw_widget_config.xml file=https://www.footpathlibrary.org/wp-content/uploads/mp3/0908_66radio.mp3]
Sarah spoke about The Footpath Library on Oddjobber on ABC Radio NSW Afternoons. Click below to hear the interview. [mp3player width=300 height=30 config=fmp_jw_widget_config.xml file=/wp-content/uploads/mp3/0908_ABCRadio.mp3]
Sarah spoke on ABC Radio NSW Afternoons. Click below to hear the interview. [mp3player width=300 height=30 config=fmp_jw_widget_config.xml file=/wp-content/uploads/mp3/1001_ABCRadio.mp3]
Listen to Sarah discussing The Footpath Library with ABC Radio’s Hilary Harper here.
Spectrum featured The Footpath Library in this 2007 article in their Philanthropy section.
Sarah spoke to The Satellite Newspaper in 2010 about The Footpath Library’s beginnings and work in this article entitled Novel approach for support.