In January we launched the first ever EPIC! Short Story Competition for Primary and Secondary school students across Australia. Addressing the theme Home is… students are invited to submit a short story on what home means to them. In line with our values, we hope to encourage children to think about the importance of a home in one’s life. And, as always, we wish to celebrate children’s literacy.
Children’s book illustrator Terry Whidborne created this amazing poster to promote the competition and it is appearing around schools, in bookstores and libraries across the country. (Go to our website for your free download!)
Already entries are coming in from Mount Tamborine in Queensland and Norwood in Tasmania to Sheidow Park in South Australia. The competition closes April 2nd so there is still plenty of time for all the budding writers out there to submit their stories.
If you know one, why don’t you point them to our website. Thanks to our sponsors, there are plenty of great prizes and we are looking forward to sharing the winning entries with you in our August newsletter.
Entries have now closed. The Winners will be published on this site.